Monday, January 13, 2014

Being Deliberate

Today I am sitting in the Hampton Inn in Hickory, NC doing something I have desired to do for about a year, and that is to get away once a month to a secluded location to spend time in prayer and the Scripture in order to draw closer to the Lord. I am trusting God to help me accomplish this goal each month in 2014. 

Not to make this week's post a diary, but I awoke this morning and jumped right into a time of prayer and Bible Study.  I had forgotten how wonderful it is to spend those special moments pondering over Scripture in a deliberate and intentional way of seeking God's plan and direction for my life.  I began the morning with a study of the Gospel of John and immediately I was drawn to the fact that the Lord created me and knows me better than I know myself; and if I believe this fact then it would only be right and proper to seek Him for direction and leadership in my life.  How about you? Our Lord created each one of us and knows us better than we know ourselves - should we not seek Him for all the things we are dealing with in life?  

The second point that came so strong to me this morning came from the 5th verse of chapter 1 where we read in the Scriptures, "That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it" (HCSB).  As I read this verse a powerful thought came to my heart: It is through and by the light of Jesus we find our way in a world of darkness. Jesus is the light to guide our paths and if He is our Lord and Savior, He is there to guide us along the pathways of life.

Now the day has just begun, but I have learned a valuable lesson, I need to be deliberate it taking time each day to sit down in solitude and focus on the Word of God and what He is teaching me through the Holy Spirit!  So I challenge all of us - Seek the Lord daily and be deliberate about it and I promise our lives will never be the same.

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