Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Join a Group!

Last week I wrote about my personal devotion time and this week I want to expand that idea a little deeper.  Every Tuesday a group of my pastor friends and I gather together to study the Word of God.  I look forward to this special time each week because we pick a passage and discuss what it means. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable and listen to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us concerning the Word of God.  It is a time spent in the presence of God, study and discussing how God's Word can be woven into our lives on a daily basis.  I recommend that those reading this blog find a few friends to gather on a weekly basis and spend time in the Word!  Now we spend about 2 hours each week studying and discussing the Word, but you can set the time limit you desire.  Also, the place can change each week and you can work through a book of the Bible or do an organized study from such authors as Max Lucado, Charles Stanley, etc.  I can tell you when you gather with a group that is intent on studying the Word in a serious manner you will find it to be a wonderful and gratifying experience.  Join a group and let the Holy Spirit soar!

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