Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Setting Out On A Personal Bible Study Plan

Recently I dealt with a severe case of bronchitis and it was during my time of convalescence that the Lord led me to a wonderfully new and exciting personal time of devotion.  One night as I laid in bed I felt the urge to go across the hallway into a room that I had designated as a study area and bring the small desk and chair into my bedroom beside the window that looks toward the church.  Little did I know that this would become such a sacred and wonderful place in my life.  From that point on the first thing I do each morning is retire to this desk and spend time in the Word of God.  I have all sorts of computer equipment available, but for this process I have chosen to write in a journal.  I started off by wanting to write how the Word affected me, but soon realized that God had a greater plan.  That was for me to read over the Scripture He leads me to for the day and write that Scripture in the journal, writing in a somewhat artistic format the part of the Scripture that speaks to my life.  Here is an an example of one of my journal entries...As I read through 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 on January 31, 2014 the Lord spoke these words in the passage to my heart that day: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation...Everything is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ...We are ambassadors for Christ...He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him! This little procedure has changed my life in a very dramatic and wonderful way.  However you choose to do a personal Bible Study, the main thing is to start one and do it daily with a focus to let God speak His Word and His Will into your life.

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